Identification for Traveling Pets

No loving family ever intends to lose their pet while traveling. Unfortunately, accidents can happen - and pets that are wearing appropriate identification have a better chance of being reunited with their owners quickly and safely. Here are a few tips on preparing your pet for a trip:

Make sure your pet is wearing ID at all times.
As a minimum, dogs and cats should wear collars with ID tags. A tattoo or microchip is also recommended as a permanent way to identify your pet. Keep records of your pet's identification for reference.

Register your pet with a centralized pet recovery system.
This can increase the chances that you and your pet are quickly reunited. One such system is PetLynx.

Carry a recent photo
It will help tremendously if you need to describe or identify your pet, plus the picture can be photocopied or faxed as needed.

Make a list of unique or identifying marks.
Does your dog have a small scar on the front of his right hind paw? Does your cat have heart-shaped white mark on her chest?

When confronted with several physically similar animals in a shelter, these unique markings can help you make a faster, positive identification of your pet.

Keep your contact information up-to-date.
If you have moved since you tattooed, microchipped, or otherwise registered your pet, contact the appropriate agencies with your current address and phone number. Consider taping temporary contact information to your pet's license tag.

A phone number where you can be reached while on holidays will help to bring your pet back home to you as soon as possible.

This article has been provided courtesy of the PET FRIENDLY Canada Directory at Visit us for a list of hotels, cottages, B&Bs, resorts, and other lodgings that allow pets. Because pets are family, too!

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